Andy studied illustration and printmaking at Liverpool and has worked as a fine art printmaker and illustrator for many years. He regularly exhibits his work in galleries across the UK and his work is widely collected, he lives and works in Stroud, Gloucestershire. He is currently chair of the GPC.
“My subject matter is often landscape, particularly where the land meets the sea, beaches, cliffs, and wetlands. I enjoy the emotional charge and excitement of painting in the open and it is this feeling that I want to get down on paper as it invests the image with its character and energy. I find that the marks that I make on location, in response to what is in front of me, are impossible to reproduce in a studio environment. Once back in my studio I develop and evolve a silkscreen print or monotypes from the paintings that I have produced. The silkscreen process lends a natural simplification to an image imbuing it with a paired back graphic quality whilst the nuances of marks and depth of blacks that the monotype process offers are particularly effective at evoking the drama of light in the landscape” Andy Lovell
To see more of Andy’s work or to purchase a print please visit