Barbara Webb Residency

We are delighted to invite you to our first recipients end of Residency Exhibition – here at the Printmakers Gallery.

All Welcome.

An opportunity is presented for a residency at GPC. Details are available to read / download in this document

Application for The Barbara Webb GPC Printmaking 4 month Residency
Griffin Mill, London Road, Thrupp, Stroud GL5 2AZ

Please complete the following application.

Any recent graduates in Printmaking* (BA or MA) of age above 18 can apply.

Please Provide (in the appropriate form fields below) :

  1. Introduction to your work: a clear and informative summary of your work with supporting images (max 450 words)
  2. Curriculum Vitae (max 4 pages). We also appreciate the contact information of two supporting references.
  3. Explain how a residency at GPC would support the development of your work. Outline how the residency will make a difference to your practice (max 400 words). Be as specific, realistic and detailed as possible.