24/7 access
Unrestricted Studio access
Access booked in advance
E Newsletter
Discounted rate on courses
Invitation to Co-op private views and social events
Priority in Exhibition opportunities including access to The Printmakers Gallery
Opportunity to display work on our online gallery
1 storage drawer in plan chest
Skills sharing opportunities
Voting rights and able to become a committee member
Pay per session
£8 per month by SO/DD
£20 per session (a session can be up to a day in length)
E newsletter
Discounted rate on workshops and courses
Invitation to Co-op private views and social events
Exhibition opportunities including at the Printmakers’ Gallery at the Studio
Opportunity to display work on our online gallery
Skills sharing opportunities
Voting rights and able to become a committee member
Membership of a Professional body of Printmakers
£5 per month by SO/DD
E newsletter
Discounted rate on workshops and courses
Invitation to Co-op private views and social events
Exhibition opportunities including access to our Printmakers Gallery at the Studio
Opportunity to display work on our online gallery
subsidised membership
Unrestricted Studio access
Access booked in advance
E newsletter
Exhibition opportunities including access to our Printmakers Gallery at the Studio
Discounted rate on workshops and courses
Invitation to Co-op private views and social events
Opportunity to display work on our online gallery
1 storage drawer
Skills sharing opportunities
Voting rights and able to become a committee member